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HEIC Image Viewer, Converter

Software Hub 2024-01-22 0 reviews

Its main functions are as follows
1. Support drag and drop to view picture。
2. Support viewing the actual size of heic image, and viewing all details by dragging with the mouse.
3. Supports image viewing in more than 100 formats..
4. Support quick browsing, double-click to open the image in the file explorer.
5. It can browse all the pictures in the current directory and switch the next picture through the left and right keys of the keyboard.
The above five functions are free and can be used without further purchase.
All of the following functions are required to pay to use.
6. *Support heic image convert to jpeg, png, bmp and so on.
7. *Support convert images to pdf file.
8. *Support heic image print.
***It should be noted that the above functions 6, 7, and 8 need to be paid to purchase add on before they can be used. It costs S1.99 to get Addon.
9. *Batch conversion requires the purchase of Heic Converter Pro before it can be used. Heic Converter Pro costs $4.99.
The specific supported image formats are as follows:
a; arw; avs; b; bgr; bgra; bgro; bmp; bmp2; bmp3; c; cal; cals; canvas; caption; cin; clip; cmyk; cmyka; cr2; crw; cur; cut; dcm; dcr; dcx; dds; dfont; dib; dng; dpx; dxt1; dxt5; epdf; epi; eps; epsf; epsi; ept; ept2; ept3; erf; fax; file; fits; fractal; ftp; fts; g; g3; g4; gif; gif87; gradient; gray; graya; group4; hald; hdr; heic; hrz; http; https; icb; ico; icon; iiq; inline; ipl; j2c; j2k; jng; jnx; jp2; jpc; jpe; jpeg; jpg; jpm; jps; jpt; k; k25; kdc; label; m; m2v; mac; map; mask; mat; mef; miff;mng; mono; mpc;mrw; msl; msvg; mtv; mvg; nef; nrw; null; o; orf; otb; otf; pal; palm; pam; pango; pattern; pbm; pcd; pcds; pcl; pct; pcx;pdfa; pef; pes; pfa; pfb; pfm; pgm; pgx; picon; pict; pix; pjpeg; plasma; png; png00; png24; png32; png48; png64; png8; pnm; ppm;ptif; pwp; r; radialgradient; raf; ras; raw; rgb; rgba; rgbo; rgf; rla; rle; rmf; rw2; scr; screenshot; sct; sfw; sgi; six; sixel; sr2;stegano; sun; svg; svgz; text; tga; tif; tiff; tiff64; tile; tim; ttc; ttf; txt; threefr; threeg2; threegp; uyvy; vda; vicar; vid; viff; vips; vst; webp; wbmp; wpg; x3f; xbm; xc; xcf; xpm; xv; y; ycbcr; ycbcra; yuv;emf; exr; flif; wmf

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